CyberGhost – In Development
CyberGhost was begun on March 1st, 2014, as a project intended for the 10-day Cyberpunk Game Jam. Obviously we’re way past that now, but it’s still under daily active development. I’ve been busy updating Matrix […]
CyberGhost was begun on March 1st, 2014, as a project intended for the 10-day Cyberpunk Game Jam. Obviously we’re way past that now, but it’s still under daily active development. I’ve been busy updating Matrix […]
I started out with an idea to make my own Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) back in January 2007, because I thought World of Warcraft was lots of fun and I wanted to learn […]
Since the last update I’ve been focused mostly on creating an avatar editor. I figure it’s looking pretty good for now, and wanted to post a quick update about it. UMA (see previous blog post […]
As we develop our MMORPG we’re continually identifying key problem areas that need resolution to enable us reach our long-term goal of actually publishing our game. Things like player-driven avatar customization, the need for a […]
Oh, didn’t I mention? Sorry about that! Yeah, the old code has been scrapped and replaced with… newer, shorter, (hopefully) more efficient code, for both client and server. Gotta admit I’m learning as I go […]
Copyright Arcanoria Games
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