Pesticide Patrol Hits The Streets
Our recent game Pesticide Patrol has reached the point where it’s ready to fly. We’ve created a new dedicated page for the game, which is available to play for free on itch.io! Please let us […]
Our recent game Pesticide Patrol has reached the point where it’s ready to fly. We’ve created a new dedicated page for the game, which is available to play for free on itch.io! Please let us […]
My little experiment with in-game grid systems is coming along nicely. It’s now an actual game, with actual gameplay. Here’s a feature list of things already implemented: Audio: combat sound FX, voiceover audio clips, and […]
Now that the GrudgeMatch demo is as done as we’re going to make it without funding, I’ve begun working on “other projects” again. This includes a new song release on my music site, as well […]
Sorry for the lack of updates. It’s been 11 months since my last confession… er, I mean blog post! It’s been an eventful 11 months, but I’ll share some quick highlights. CyberGhost is still in […]
CyberGhost was begun on March 1st, 2014, as a project intended for the 10-day Cyberpunk Game Jam. Obviously we’re way past that now, but it’s still under daily active development. I’ve been busy updating Matrix […]
I started out with an idea to make my own Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) back in January 2007, because I thought World of Warcraft was lots of fun and I wanted to learn […]
Since the last update I’ve been focused mostly on creating an avatar editor. I figure it’s looking pretty good for now, and wanted to post a quick update about it. UMA (see previous blog post […]
As we develop our MMORPG we’re continually identifying key problem areas that need resolution to enable us reach our long-term goal of actually publishing our game. Things like player-driven avatar customization, the need for a […]
Oh, didn’t I mention? Sorry about that! Yeah, the old code has been scrapped and replaced with… newer, shorter, (hopefully) more efficient code, for both client and server. Gotta admit I’m learning as I go […]
At the end of our last update we were getting ready to deploy our game server software (zone app, lobby app, and various supporting services, including Apache, PostgreSQL, Erlang, and uZone) to a Windows 2008 […]
Copyright Arcanoria Games
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