I’ve been working hard on our latest incarnation of Arcanoria related projects, entitled Arcanoria Revelations – The Portal Weavers. Arcanoria Revelations places the Arcanoria fantasy mythos into an online ARPG (Action Role Playing Game) format, similar in some ways to existing commercial titles Diablo 3, and Path of Exile.
I know it seems like we’re skipping around a lot, but in truth we are re-using quite a lot of assets, infrastructure, manager classes, and general tech and packages, from several older Arcanoria related project titles. Revelations is pretty much a direct descendant of the prior project, Arcanoria Chronicles, and re-uses a large percentage of what was already done for that title. So, consider Revelations both as a separate, new game idea, and at same time an extension of prior ideas. It does have a different game focus, as an Action RPG, as compared with Arcanoria Chronicles, which was a more traditional style quest-oriented RPG.
Most recently, I’ve been busy integrating the GameSparks platform, configuring and coding the server to work with our Revelations client. GameSparks is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) that will provide many capabilities to our game, including player management and analytics, in-game economy, achievements, virtual goods purchasing, friends lists, leaderboards, in-game chat, teams/partying, tournaments, global events, and much more.
Less recently, over the last couple of months, I put in some hours working in some other areas, including:
- creating some game scene terrains with Gaia, for testing during development
- customizing the character controller and camera
- implementing some very basic monster AI using Behavior Designer
- integrated game config file data saving/recalling
- creating and hooking up some UI game menus
- … among other things!
Alas, there’s not much to show here yet (visually), but more pics should be coming soon-ish! For now, I will leave you with this oh-so-elegant snapshot of my programmer-art login screen:

So... what do you think?